

Background checking using
Microsoft Teams

Stay in your flow of work! Use MS Teams to do in seconds what normally take hours. Don't want to use MS Teams? Simply use our automated and secure workflow to request a background check.

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More information for enterprise clients

Our forever clients

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Picture of the author

One checking platform connecting all parties

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Start your “trust but verify” background checking process with a comfortable registration process. Already have an account with us? Simply use our automated and secure workflow to request a background check.






Maximise the benefits of Microsoft technologies

3-2-1-GoCheck is fully integrated into Microsoft Teams. Our solution is hosted on Microsoft Azure, guaranteeing stability, quality and security.

Try on Azure Marketplace

Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Centralise Your Checking Flow

3-2-1-GoCheck enables HR, risk, compliance, hiring managers, candidates, previous employers and other third parties to all be on the same platform. Make lengthy e-mail exchanges, phone calls and time consuming inquiries tedious tasks for everyone involved in the checking journey.


Save hours onboarding new candidates

Still managing heaps of emails and confidential documents in various locations? Our checking platform centralises your comms and sensitive documents which help to speed up candidate onboarding.


Reduce Background Checking Stress and Uncertainty

Our platform is all about making clients, candidates and third parties want to actually contribute to the checking process. Real time updates on the checking journey allows each party to contribute to the checking process in a timely manner.

Why 3-2-1-GoCheck


Great partners help us deliver better solutions quicker.

Our E.R.I.C. solution

85+ ways to Identity Risk, validate Identity, confirm Credibility, verify Experiences using our extras.

Easy to understand reports

Replacing the old ways with ease of use, transparent checking journey, quicker delivery of results and easy to understand report.

Serving a company of 1 or 1 million

Select a package, build your own or use our platform as your dedicated checking workflow tool.

Explore 321GoCheck videos

Built for companies that want the benefits of “tech”